Land is not a home!

People exploring objects in exhibition
Exhibition opening at Sawda Ghevra, 2016

Sawda Ghevra, Delhi 2016. Mixed media performance installation.

10 years after Where is Nangla Maachi? this exhibition and associated events worked with the displaced comminities of Nangla and other demolition sites across the city to commemorate the acheivements of 10 years of building a new neighbourhood by reflecting on the journey so far through sounds and other objects that have travelled with the people of Sawda, as well as the sounds and places left behind. Continue reading “Land is not a home!”


A play on ’riksha’, the well known three wheeled cycle transport found all over India, and ’shor’, the Hindi word for ’noise’. Rikshor is a mobile structure for intervening in existing networks to invite locality based listening. Rikshor is a demountable sonic platform that can be deployed on any local standard cycle rik and moved easily on public transport to other localities.

Listeners at Work

Listeners at Work in Dakshin Puri, with Delhi Listening Group

Listeners at work is a playful and serious reflection on the work of listening in which we announce the work we are doing in a way that invites others to join us and turn a fresh ear to a familiar sonic space. We also explore the ways in which different kinds of everyday work involve specialised listening skills. Read more about Listeners at Work at Project Anywhere, a global blind peer reviewed exhibition for art at the outermost limits of location-specificity.

Snack City

Cart with cookin vessels speakers and radios
Sonic street food cart at Mediawala Festival with radios, speakers and internet router relaying live calls from around the city to our ‘snack line’ and tasty sound bites from around the world.

A foodradio_network collaboration, New Delhi, 2007, Mediawala Festival

A celebration of street food following a high court decision to ban the cooking of food on the streets of Delhi. An open phone in streaming live from across the city by mobile snackers and the public, remixed live across the globe along with other local snackscapes.